Friday, June 1, 2012

May Resolution Update

1. Survive Amsterdam. 
2. Lose weight (at least 15 lbs). I think just about everyone makes this resolution. I am still crossfitting. My scale is moving the wrong way! I need to try something new.
3. Read at least 12 books. I'm now finished with book number 7 and started on number 8! This may be completed before December!
4. Run at least 4 more half marathons. Registered for Munich and Army 10 Miler now! I'm not sure I'm going to meet this goal this year.
5. Improve 5k time to under 35 minutes. I still have not run...yet. But heading out today as the weather is beautiful!
6. Improve half marathon time to under 3 hours. Because the previous goal hasn't happened, this one hasn't either.
7. Commit to Jillian Michaels DVDs for 90 days (30 Day Shred, Ripped in 30, and Buns and Thighs). #fail I stink at this goal.
8. Start training for a marathon. I'm registered for the Marathon now (Eeeek!!!)
9. Cook at least three meals per week (only one of which can be pasta). We've really been getting better at this. I've been trying new recipes and working on trying more! 
10. Only eat out once per week, unless traveling. We hardly ever go out/order take out any more, which is good and bad. I love the local cuisine but it's healthier to cook our own dinners.

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